Natural Cough Remedies for You to Try

Natural Cough Remedies for You to Try

Is it winters, or is it summers? Are you constantly coughing? Are you feeling ashamed of creating a disturbance at your workplace because of constant coughing? Did you sip a teaspoon or two of cough syrup, and it still didn't work? But don't worry, coughing is perfectly normal. It helps keep your throat clear from phlegm and any other irritants. Although, coughing consistently can also be symptomatic due to various conditions, like;

  • a bacterial infection
  • a viral infection
  • an allergy

You can treat coughs caused by allergies, colds, or sinus infections with several over-the-counter medications, whereas bacterial infections require an intake of antibiotics. Along with medications, you can ask your general physician about other options to help your cough.

How to Prevent Coughing?

Before learning how to treat a cough, you must first learn how to prevent them. Some steps you can take for cough prevention include the following:

  • It would be best to cover your mouth and nose whenever you sneeze or cough; preferably, use a tissue for it or cough into your elbow. Make sure to throw away that used a tissue to reduce any contact.

  • It would help if you avoided any contact with sick people. If you are aware of being sick, avoid going to work, and don't send the kids to school or other places where you both might come in contact with others so you won't get others sick.

  • It is best if you cleaned the common areas of your workplace and home frequently, especially countertops, mobile phones and children's toys.

  • It would help if you drank plenty of water and salt-infused fluids to stay hydrated.

  • Try washing your hands as frequently as possible, especially when you cough, eat, go to the bathroom, or care for someone who's already sick.

Home Remedies for You to Try:

Here's a list of a few home remedies to consider.

1. Honey:

Does your grandmother ask you not to have the best cough syrup for adults and instead pop a spoonful of honey in your mouth every time you cough?  It's not just you because it is a time-honored home remedy for a sore throat. According to several studies, it can also relieve coughs more effectively than any on-the-counter medicines that contain cough suppressants. You can mix up to 2 teaspoons of honey in your regular herbal tea or a glass of warm water with lemon squeezed in it.

Honey has soothing properties, while lemon juice can help with congestion.

2. Probiotics:

Probiotics are known as microorganisms that possess the ability to provide several health benefits. While they don't help in relieving a cough directly, they help balance your gastrointestinal flora, which are the bacteria that reside in your intestines. This balance of probiotics can support the immune system's function throughout the body.

Probiotics are also added in some yogurts while also being present in sourdough loaves of bread and miso soups.

There are different kinds of probiotics you must ensure from your doctor which ones are right for your condition. The most natural way to consume probiotics is through fermented foods, like; yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, and sourdough.

3. Bromelain:

Have you ever heard of pineapple as a cough remedy? No right? But that's because you've never heard of what bromelain is. Bromelain is an enzyme that is found only in the fruit and stem of pineapples. They help suppress coughs and loosen the mucus in your throat.

You may pop a slice of pineapple or drink 3.5-4 ounces of fresh pineapple juice thrice a day.

Pineapple is also used to treat swelling and inflammation. Pineapple is prohibited for children or adults who take blood thinners and should not take bromelain supplements.

4. Peppermint:

Peppermint leaves are known for their great healing properties. It contains menthol that can help soothe the throat and make breathing seem easier. You can benefit by inhaling peppermint vapors from a steam treatment or drinking peppermint tea.

To make the steam treatment, add around 7-8 drops of peppermint-infused essential oil to a cup of water that's just boiled. Drape a towel around your head and take deep breaths directly from above the water pot.

5. Thyme:

Even though thyme is known as one of the herbs, it is used by some individuals for respiratory illnesses. A study showed how 361 people suffering from acute bronchitis used the essence extracted from thyme leaves mixed with ivy, which helped relieve short-term bronchitis as well as their cough.

Thyme leaves contain flavonoids, compounds that relax the muscles in the throat involved in coughing and reduction of inflammation. You can try making thyme tea at home using 2 teaspoons full of crushed thyme leaves in a cup of boiling water. Put a lid, steep for 10 minutes, strain, and drink.

6. Gargles of Saltwater:

While gargling may seem relatively simple, salt-infused water gargle can help soothe your sore and scratchy throat that causes cough. Mixing a quarter or half teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water can help to relieve irritation in your throat.

7. Ginger:

Ginger is a popular and traditional home remedy. It's often used in almost every household to treat an upset stomach and nausea, but it may have great properties to soothe your cough. Ginger is known to relax the airway muscles present in the lungs. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory compounds that may lessen the swelling and inflammation in the throat.

Ginger tea is the best choice if you cough lately. It reduces irritation, mucus, and dryness in your throat.

Slice an inch of fresh ginger root and boil it in a cup of water for around 10-15 minutes, depending on how strong you like the tea.

8. Turmeric:

Like ginger, turmeric is traditionally used in most homes for many ailments over the years, including coughing. It contains an active compound called curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory properties.

You can consume turmeric with black pepper as it contains piperine. It is a major compound in black pepper, which increases the bioavailability of turmeric, supporting your body's absorption of turmeric. You may try sipping warm golden milk. Add a dash of black pepper and honey for some added sweetness.