Raspberries are an edible fruit of a plant species from the rose family and are enjoyed by many people all year long, whether they are freshly picked or frozen. They look like small droplets tightly packed together, forming a bunch. It is a perennial fruit and so has a short shelf life and must be consumed shortly after they are purchased. Their plant has woody stems, and they're rich in colour. Raspberries on their own or raspberry syrup have a juicy, sharp taste. Raspberries are one of the most consumed fruits around the world.

Many types of raspberries are grown and harvested in Europe and Northern Asia in the summers and fall months, including purple, black, and golden raspberries, but the red raspberry is the most common. Sweet berries are also grown in Oregon, Washington, and California, USA.

This juicy fruit looks like gorgeous gems, tastes delicious, and is also packed with high amounts of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, making them a healthy choice in the fruit aisle.

Here is a list of health benefits of raspberries for you to include in your healthy routine.

1. They Are Packed With Nutrients:

A cup full of raspberries provides more than 50% of the minimum daily intake of vitamin C, which supports skin health, helps produce collagen, and boosts immunity. They also contain vitamin K and manganese, which play a massive role in bone health. Raspberries also supply smaller amounts of B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin E, iron, potassium, and copper.

2. They are Rich in Antioxidants:

Raspberries are known as the powerhouse of antioxidants. Antioxidants are health-protective compounds that have been tied to lowering the rates of cancer, heart diseases, obesity, and diabetes. The antioxidants in raspberries also help reduce inflammation, which leads to premature ageing. Raspberries also contain natural protective substances, which are linked to better DNA repair, and they block enzymes that cause arthritis.

3. They Help Combat Cancer:

Raspberries are packed with ellagic acid, which has the ability to prevent various cancers like the cancers of the lungs, skin, bladder, oesophagus, and breast. Ellagic acid acts as an antioxidant and deactivates specific carcinogens. They also slow down the reproduction of certain cancer cells and have been found to utilize various cancer-fighting methods at once.

Black raspberries help in altering genes and bringing them back to normalcy, and aid in the treatment. They are found to restore tumour-suppressive activity and aid cancer treatments.

Red raspberries also play a role but a minor one in treating cancers of the colon and stomach. They have also been found to inhibit the growth of cervical cancer cells. Fresh raspberry syrup for drinks is widely available in markets to consume and prevent cancer cells.

4. They Are High In Fibre:

A cup of raspberries is full of 8 grams of dietary fibre, which is a third of the minimum daily goal. This high-fibre content also reduces raspberries' net carb content to about 7 grams per cup. It also blunts blood sugar by slowing digestion, supporting good digestive health, and contributing to fullness. Raspberry fibre also helps gut bacteria flourish. They also help maintain stronger immunity and a happier and more positive mood.

5. They Help in Losing Weight:

A cup of raspberries has 64 calories only and is made up of more than 85% water which is why they come under low-calorie, filling food. They have natural sweetness, which helps in satisfying your sweet tooth. Several studies and research have led to the making of raspberry ketone supplements which are widely promoted for losing weight, whereas eating fresh raspberries may help you shed some kilos.

6. They Help in Curing the Eyesight:

Raspberries play a great role in curing eyesight as they contain the antioxidant zeaxanthin, which helps in filtering out harmful blue light rays. They also help in protecting the eyes from problems from a condition called age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which causes vision problems in older people.

7. They Help with the Nervous System:

Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants containing raspberries can contribute to better brain health and the neurological system. The presence of vitamins E and C may help protect an individual's ability to think and remember information as they start getting older.

Raspberries help counter oxidative stress diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, which are caused by an irregular balance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and how the body fights off their harmful effects. Raspberries contain flavonoids that help improve memory, coordination, and mood, making them brain-supportive food.

8. They Help Reduce the Signs of Ageing:

Raspberries are rich in polyphenols, which are protective plant compounds that may help reduce the signs of ageing in men and women. They also help improve strength levels and create a balance. The presence of vitamin C in raspberries helps protect the skin from sun damage.

9. Their Sugar Content is Low:

Raspberries contain lower sugar content, at just 5 grams per cup than a 20 grams medium apple. This makes raspberries a great option for people with a sweet tooth to minimize their sugar intake

10. They Help Improve Blood Sugar Management:

Raspberries contain a low glycaemic index and high fibre content and are rich in tannins, plant compounds that help monitor your blood sugar levels and improve insulin response. They also inhibit the enzymes that break down starches in the body.

Raspberries as a Part of Your Diet:

Raspberries can be included and made part of your everyday diet by enjoying them on their own, topping your cereal, oatmeal, or chia puddings, blending smoothies, pouring some on pancakes, mixing into fresh salads containing a combination of fruits and vegetables, while also preparing raspberry filled pies. Store them in Ziploc bags, freeze them as it is or blend them nicely in a pulp to consume throughout the year. Raspberries work best for health-conscious and immune-boosting people for a better and healthier lifestyle.